What if You Were Fair?


Being heartbroken and upset that people don’t see you for who you truly are, that they don’t value your unique and special way of showing up in the world and that they don’t take the time or make the effort to show you that they care about your feelings, your comfort, your safety whilst at the same time telling yourself that your true self is unworthy of sharing, that you’re nothing special and that it’s ok to put your own needs last is a perfect recipe for living the unhappy life of a victim.

In what way and in what world is it fair to expect others to see more in you than you see in yourself?

In what way and in what world is it fair to expect others to value your knowledge, skills, abilities and talents more than you value them

In what way and in what world is it fair to expect others put you first when you demonstrate to them that you’re perfectly ok with accepting last?

In what way and in what world is it acceptable and fair to expect others to mind-read what’s in your head, predict what’s in your heart and give to you that which, by your every thought, word and deed you demonstrate to be unimportant?

Imagine if you stopped being unfair in both your treatment of yourself and your expectations of others?

Imagine is you simply made declarations, requests and expressed preferences?

Imagine if instead of playing the victim role because of what was or wasn’t being done TO you, you took on the victorious role where what you wanted was defined, decided and declared BY you?

What if you were fair?

What if you were fair?

What if?

About the author 

Dax Moy

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