What A Place…


What A Place...

What a place this world would be,
if we all agreed on 'A' not 'THE'

That the path we've chosen is one of many,
and while we say 'THE' it could be any

There's more than one way to skin a cat,
though some would say 'it's done like that'

It's done like THAT for them, it's true
but it's done like THIS for me and you

There's not one truth for all to see,
the truth's decided by you and me

It matters not what the experts say,
nor the science journals of today

Because what today is science fact
we'll laugh at when we're looking back

So don't get caught up in your head
or swallow whole what an expert said

The only thing that counts, it's true
is how the things you're doing work for you

What a place this world would be,
if we all agreed on 'A' not 'THE'

Truth, joy and love


About the author 

Dax Moy

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