[Dax’s Rumi Ramblings #12]


[Dax’s Rumi Ramblings #12]


“Two things tell about you:
Your patience while you don’t have anything,
And the attitude you display while you have it all” ~ Rumi

Which is to say, of course, that it’s not what we HAVE that matters most, but ‘who we BE’ while we’re creating the unique expression of the story that we call ‘life’.

And this isn’t just about what OTHERS think and feel about you. In fact, of all the priorities in life, that one ranks least.

It’s about how YOU think about and feel about yourself when you reflect on how you’ve been showing up in the world across the days of your life.

Patience with circumstances and attitude to success are your gifts to YOU!

Keep giving the gift.

Keep giving the gift.

Keep giving x

Truth, joy and love

Dax Moy

About the author 

Dax Moy

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