About Your Teachers, Masters and Heroes…


About Your Teachers, Masters and Heroes…

You will know the teachers among you by their dedication to learning.

You will know the masters among you by their dedication to service.

You will know those of faith among you by their admission of doubt.

You will know the truly strong by their ability to show their weaknesses.

You will know the wise by their comfort in asking questions.

You will know your heroes by the admission of their fears.

You will know the joyful by the admission of their sadness.

In this thing called life, things are not always what they seem.

The miracles are ALWAYS hidden in the mundane.

And the REAL power tends to lie in the paradox.

Seek it. Observe it. Embrace it.

Because you won’t fully live your life until you experience ALL of who you are and sometimes… well… the math doesn’t SEEM to add up.

Until you realise it does… and you’ve just been adding it wrong 🙂

You don’t have to be more than you are.

Just be all that you are.

And that’s MORE than enough.

Truth, joy and love

Dax Moy

Thank you Oliver Wade for attaching this pic to my little mad rambling above on your wall. Just had to do the same. The pic is beautiful

About the author 

Dax Moy

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